Consortium to Promote Human Rights, Civic Freedoms and Media Development (CHARM) in Sub-Saharan Africa
About the Call for Partnership
To ensure that African civil society and media organizations develop to become viable players in the changing political, technical, and economic landscape, the Consortium to Protect Human Rights, Civic Freedoms and Media Development (CHARM) in Sub-Saharan Africa supports the creation of new coalitions and strengthening of existing ones.
These partnerships promote enabling environments and sustainable sources of journalism and civic participation, making it possible for the media and civil society to provide citizens with the information, analysis and support they need to realize their human rights and civic freedoms.
In its second phase ending in June 2023, the CHARM Consortium is looking for new partners to help build on the achievements from the pilot phase.
Through an open call, relevant organizations are invited to submit an online application for fully funded project proposals for 8 to 12 months between April 2022 and March 2023, within a proposed budget of US$50,000-US$99,000.